The number of international travelers for the last 6 month increased in Georgia by 12.9 % (2 636 313people). Giorgi Chogovadze, head of the National Tourism Administration declared that the tourist visits amounts to 1 011 680, that is for 18.1% more than in the previous year's same period.
The National Tourism Administration informs that , most of the visitors arrived from Azerbaijan (+ 18.1%), Turkey (+ 4%), Armenia (+14%), Russia (+ 15.6%) and Ukraine (+ 26.3%).
Also the positive trend has been retained from the EU countries: Italy 20%, France 12% and Latvia scored 29%,.
Exceptionally high number was recorded from the following countries: Iran (+ 400%), India (+ 340%), the Philippines (+ 208%), Israel (+95% ), China (57%), Uzbekistan (31%).