Laura Thornton, NDI's resident director in Georgia declared today that the result of the elections depends on electorate who did not decided yet. The percent number of such people very high is.
"This our last survey is before elections, according to results of which we can tell that the willingness of the population to attend elections very high is. But again, the majority does not knows which political party choose at elections. 67% are telling they will attend elections, 47% of electorate are telling they did not decide. What about the individual ratings of political parties they are too low, and we cannot predict the outcome of the elections based on such figures. The results of October elections will be depended fully on those people who are going to go to the elections, but are not knowing for which political party will they vote. Accordingly, I think that these results will be alarming for political parties, who have only two month before elections, " - Laura Thornton tell.
Laura Thornton is NDI's resident director in Georgia, having previously served in the same capacity for the Institute in Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia.