Georgian Labour Party objects to the amendments to the constitution on state arrangement and threatens to hold large-scale rallies in case the parliament adopts the new version of the constitution. Ideological Secretary of the party, Kakha Dzagania voiced the position of the party to media.
He said the constitutional commission planned to speed up the adoption of the new version the constitution, `which will allow Saakashvili to remain as the autocratic leader of the government from the position of the prime minister`.
Dzagania says in case the constitution is adopted, the only way to hinder the continuation of Saakashvili`s rule is to hold demonstrations.
`The right to hold demonstrations is granted to any person in any democratic country. Trust me, the leader in these protests will be the Labour Party. As for the members of the Constitutional Commission, they are the group of servants and the future generations should know their names,` Dzagania said.