Vakhtang Iobashvili, head of the" Monitoring", oil certification and monitoring body, disseminated the information about the quality of the petrol - the results of the certification and qualitative check.
He said to the news agency GHN that the monitoring of the imported oil products from Azerbaijan is carried out on the ground of the agreement between "Sokar Georgia Petroleum" and "Monitoring". The petrol Regular and the diesel L-62 are checked and certified by this body. The certification is performed on every imported set of the oil products. "The accredited expert takes the probes according to the defined norms. After this, stamped probes are sent to the laboratory for its quantitative checking. As a result of the checking the laboratory issues the report on the ground of which (compliance with the standards) the certification body Monitoring issues the certificates. After the checking of the A-91 regular type petrol it was determined that all chemical ingredients were exceeding the normative data. As a result of the checking of A-91 petrol the following chemical -ecological characteristics were determined: octane rating amounted to 93-93,5 (according to the Georgian legislation is should be no less than 91); the lead Pb factually is not present in the liquid - 0,0018-0,0020 (by the Georgian legislation it should be no more than 0.013); the aromatic carbon hydroxides CH amounted to 30,0-32,0 percent (according to the Georgian legislation is should be no more 42 percent); bensol is 2.8-3.2 (by the legislation should be no more than 5 percent), Sulphur - 300-320 (by the existing legislation it should be no more than 500)
At the same time to be noted that the petrol for the last year never was found below the determined norms. Moreover the quality of the product is considerably improved; the ecological characteristics as well are high. The information disseminated by the certifying body "Monitoring".