Russia is degrading. Those who can, are leaving the country. Because of unjust Khodorkovsky's process the business will make conclusions and will understand that in Russia is not safe to continue the activity. Russian journalist said in her interview with RFI. "Russia continues to develop in one direction, it degrades. Those who can are leaving the country. The young people as well will ponder about its future here. People are saying that this Court trial will be deciding point in its plans for the future in Russia, "- Novodvorskaya said. She noted that the future for Russia is the direction to be nearer to China and more far from the West. When the oil prices will fail to zero, Russia will try once more to return to the European way, otherwise the situation will be terrible.
"Those who cannot be fit to the European conditions those simply will die. At this background French President (God save us) sold the helicopter carrier military ship of Mistral-type to the maniacs in the Russian government. What happens with the European values and in our civilization? Simply it goes to the degradation, and Russia is on this way to degradation. Deriving from this why should I wish the other direction, but China?" - Novodvorskaya said.