Russia's authorities are maniacs from "KGB", that are ruling the country, Russian Journalist Valeria Novodvorskaya said to Russian RFI, commenting the Russian decision on Khodorkovsky's case. "This was a real sentence. In USA they are sentencing in such cases for 150 years. - Putin said with admiring sigh. If they could do this in Russia they will sentence Mikhail Khodorkovsky for 150 years. Tsars were sometimes benevolent, but the "KGB" never is kind, we have KGB authorities, "- Novodvorskaya said. She believes that the only way to influence Russia is an "iron curtain" from the West. "Here we need very strong measures: the "iron curtain" from the West, gape diplomatic relations and economic blockade. As it was the case with Lukashenko. Playing of EU came to the tragedy that now happens there. And Russia is not a country that reacts to the good wishes. And people... people are "silent" as it was always, "- Novodvorskaya said.