The international coalition continues military operation against Libya. It is a third day the air bombing pending over Tripoli. Media informs the Qaddafi residence is under the air attack again. No information is given about destructions and victims.
The information is disseminated that coalition forces attacked the marine army of Libya. They were located in 10 kilometers distance from Tripoli. The witnesses say this region encompassed by fire. The coalition as well bombed town Sebkha, which is located in 750 kilometers from Tripoli. This is a main town in the southern part of the country. Qaddafi himself is originated from Sebkha. At the Eastern side of Bengasi coalition again attacked the radars which are located in two anti rocket bases.
The information is disseminated in the center of Tripoli supporters of Qaddafi are gathering again. After the sunset the outer districts of Tripoli is bombed by aviation. At the daylight in Tripoli the most part of markets are functioning. The banks as well are open. No deficit in petrol or water is noticeable.
The coalition forces as well attacked the hometown of Qaddafi - Sirta. Here the international airport and the marine port was bombed. The number of peaceful population victims is high.