Many post Soviet President used to make impression on American politicians with promises to implement reforms and to built democracy, however they used to be disappointed. In the article there is discussed the visit of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and his speech in congress ("National Interest," author Raymond Sontag, Researcher at the National Research Center for Inquiry)
GHN offers extract from article:
"Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko addresses a joint session of Congress today, an event that House Speaker John Boehner described as "another signal of our steadfast commitment to the aspirations of his people". Given the huge challenges Ukraine faces, it is understandable that Congress and the Obama administration want to make a big show of their support for its president. Washington would be wise to remember the pitfalls of giving unconditional backing to foreign leaders such as Poroshenko. This would not be the first time that a post-Soviet president has entranced American politicians with promises of reform and democracy, only to prove a disappointment. Our experiences with the likes of Russia's Boris Yeltsin, Georgia's Eduard Shevardnadze and Mikheil Saakashvili and Ukraine's own Viktor Yushchenko (who also addressed a joint session of Congress in 2005) should give us pause. If the United States really wants to support the aspirations of the Ukrainian people, it should develop a realistic and effective strategy for supporting their country and not simply give carte blanche to problematic leaders like Poroshenko."
The article analyzes the biography of Petro Poroshenko: how he became rich and how he was using his wealth for political career, how he participated in creation of the party, was helping President Leonid Kuchma (later to Victor Ianokovich), how he cut all the ties with the Party of Regions and joined the side of Viktor Ianukovich (was financing his presidential campaign), how he was working as the Minister of Economics in the government...
"When applauses will subside and when journalist will finish photo session it will be good for American politicians to think that while helping Ukraine they have to take into account national interests of USA too," reads the article.