The President of Russian Federation Vladimer Putin is getting ready to use military force. Russian aggression supposedly is expected before the beginning of winter however the date can be postponed till the February 2015, reports GHN.
These conclusions were made by the experts of army conversion and disarmament center who discussed the theme of "increase of defense ability of Ukraine to avoid foreign aggression" at the special "round table."
"Based on the analyses of the center the aggression act can be implemented before the beginning of winter. However for large scale attack by the Russia the most opportune time can be the second part of the winter, February of 2015," there is said in the report made by the analytical center.
The military experts mark that Kremlin is actively preparing for the war and there are three circumstances that indicate on. These are: entry of hired fighters in Ukraine, movement of Russian regular army subdivisions and armed population of Donbas.
At the same time the director of analytical center Valentin Badrak marked that because of the fact that NATO shows weakness concerning this subject Ukraine has to use own forces to repel attack of Russia.